Maybelline Color Drama Lipstick Berry Much - Mateja's Beauty Blog

Maybelline Color Drama Lipstick Berry Much

ponedeljek, januar 19, 2015

I made a huge mistake when I did a blind buy of this shade, but I really wanted to try at least one of these lipstick pencils. Berry Much is nothing like I imagined it'd be based on online swatches, however, the texture of this is marvellous, so I really regret not going with another colour. 

Colour: Berry Much is a deep plum shade with an intense purple tone, while I expected it to be a classic burgundy shade, so something like L'Oreal's Laetitia. Unfortunately for me, purples don't suit me well and it doesn't help that this has a hint to greyness in it, so it's a draining colour on me, but of course that doesn't mean it won't suit you. I don't know why, but when freshly applied this colour makes my lips look a bit bee stung and overdrawn (it's clear on the picture bellow that I didn't overdraw my lips, but on most full-face shots it looked just ridiculous). By that I mean obnoxiously pouty-looking, you may notice that on the last picture (top lip), though I deliberately chose one where I don't look like a douche as I hate pouting.

Texture and staying power: Despite the shade being a miss for me, the texture is fantastic. It's like someone took the best formula of a classic lipstick and put it into a pencil form. It's so pigmented and creamy, so it applies very smoothly without any dragging or tugging of the lips. The finish is creamy or creamy-matte once it sets a bit. It's similar to Revlon's Matte Balm pencils, but with a better staying power. The size and shape of the pencil is a hit as well as it enables a very precise application meaning there is no need for an additional lip pencil. It does require frequent sharpening if you want a super precise edge every time (by the way it fits into Essence' sharpener). The staying power impressed me as well as it lasts several hours (though admittedly darker shades last long almost by default) and it also fades so nicely into this lovely even stain.

Price and availability: It was  £4.99 on Boots International. These haven't reached Slovenia yet, but I hear they're already available in most European countries including our neighbour Croatia.

I should have just bought Red Essential and I really regret buying a miss shade because the texture is amazing. I just assumed that it'd be a nice berry shade, which usually suit me very well and I tend to wear them constantly in colder months. It's not awful, but I'd prefer something less purple and more red (I have tried mixing it with a red on top, but it doesn't look that good). Maybe next time.

Have a great day!

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  1. Don't be so hard on yourself - I think this colour does suit you well!

    1. Oh, I don't know... It just looks odd to me in person, like something is off. It's a completely different feeling than when I wear Laetitia. But thank you :)

  2. Wow! Nisam još nijednu Maybelline Drama olovku kupila, ali ovu definitivno budem. :D Mislim da ti nijansa divno stoji, kako god se tebi činila. ;)

    1. Hvala :) Ti priporočam, da vzameš kakšnega :)

  3. Jaz tudi mislim, da ti odlično pristaja. Mi je pa tale odtenek zelo všeč. :)

    1. Hvala :) Mogoče samo nisem navajena na tako vijoličen odtenek :)

  4. Super ti stoji :) Imam par nijansi iz ove kolekcije i stvarno su super olovke, kremaste i postojane.

  5. I personally think the colour looks great on you! But I do like the contrast of very pale skin and a dark purple lip colour, even if most people find it draining. I've been resisting getting these because of the waste and because I really don't need another red or berry lipstick...haha

    1. Thank you :) Usually I like the contrast on me, but the purple in this just doesn't make me feel as comfortable as other deep shades I own. They're really good, but if you say you have too much of such shades, it's better to keep resisting :D

  6. Zelo všečen odtenek, pa še dobro ti pristoji :)

  7. I love this lip colour! Great product! :)

    Nikoleta, xoxo.


  8. OOOO rabim ta odtenek nujno :D Upam da grem kmalu v Zagreb ko Mac odprejo pa da še v kakšno drogerijo zaidem.
    :D Sem pa mnenja da tudi tebi super paše ;)

    1. S sestrično tudi načrtujeva obisk Mac-a, čeprav mene ne vleče (gužva + nič ne pravzaprav ne zanima zaradi cen). Grem pa rada v hrvaške Müllerje, DM in Kozme :)
      Hvala :)

  9. Meni se tudi zdi, da lepo izgleda na tebi :) Si pa tudi jaz morem nujno prit do kakšnega odtenka, ker jih vse samo hvalite :D

    1. Hvala :) Se splača kakšnega sprobat, so res dobri :) Sem za sestrično kupila In With Coral in ima isto super formulo.

    2. Tudi jaz imam In with coral pa je super. Nisem pričakovala take dobre teksture od svinčnika na šiljenje :)

  10. Se podpišem pod vse ostale komentarje, ti zelo lepo paše. Ampak vem, kako je če pač tebi ni všeč, verjetno te noben komentar nebo prepričal ;) Vsaj pri meni je tako.
    Se pa lepo bere in upam, da pride tudi v naše drogerije.

    1. Hvala :) Verjetno ga bom bolj nosila kot stain, tako mi je veliko lepši :)

  11. Jaz se bom pridružila ostalim komentarjem, da odtenek sploh ne izgleda slabo na tebi. Mogoče bi ti jaz dodala še več rdečila, če bi kaj pomagalo?! Je pa res, da na zadnji fotografije odtenek malo vleče na rjavo. Razumem tvojo dilemo glede odtenka:). Sem videla te svinčnike v Nemčiji, pa nisem kupila nobenega. Imela sem občutek, da bodo preveč izsušili moje ustnice. Škoda..mogoče pa celo kdaj pridejo k nam:).

    1. Hvala :) Je pač tak odtenek, da bi mu dodala kanček žive rdeče, ker mislim, da bi tako izgledal bolje. Meni ne izsušuje ustnic, jih pa tudi ne nahrani :)

  12. To, kar iščeš, je Keep It Classy - čudovita bordo rdeča. Red Essential pa je klasična temno rdeča barva. Imam oba, KIC mi je naravnost fantastičen. Naročila pri Boots 4 komade, ko so imeli akcijo (poleg omenjenih, še dva pink odtenka). Pri MYB SLO sem spraševala, če in kdaj jih dobimo, pa so odgovorili, citiram: "Hvala za zanimanje za naše izdelke. Kmalu se oglasimo z odgovorom." To je bilo 13. 1. do danes nisem dobila nobenega konkretnega odgovora. Tako da vprašanje, če sploh bodo. Zanimivo pa, da vsak mesec pride iz MYB nova maskara.... Dolgčas.

    1. Red Essential bi rada, ker je menda najbolj podoben NARS-ovem svinčniku Cruella, ki si ga želim že dolgo :) KIC izgleda zanimivo, bi mogla v živo videt.

      Joj kako so počasni z izdelki pri nas :/. Kmalu lahko pri njih pomeni tudi par mesecev. Upam, da bodo vsaj v februarju :)

  13. Pravkar dobila sporočilo od MYB, da bo Color Drama na voljo "KMALU".

  14. Aw, I'm sorry you got the wrong shade :-( Happens to me too. But on the bright side, they are super cheap, right, so you can get another one without breaking the bank!

    1. Most of my blind buys are a hit, too bad this wasn't :/. What bothers me most is that even though it's from Maybelline, I still had to order it online because in Slovenia you simply don't know whether it's a delay in launching the product or it won't even be sold here.

  15. Ti pa rs lepo paše! :)


  16. Po meni ti boja bas super stoji :D I svoje sam kupila prije par mjeseci u bipi u Zagrebu za 20kn (oko 2£)

  17. Joooj, meni se pa zdi, da ti res krasno pristoji, ker mi je to res čudovito, da si svetle polti in potem šminka to še bolj poudari. :) Obožujem to barvo, vendar mi ne pristoji, ker imam pretanke ustnice in potem izpadem res stroga in jezna. Eh. :)

    1. Hvala :) Moti me ta izrazit vijoličen ton, ker se mi zdi, da to ni barva zame. Imam raje bolj rdeče odtenke :)
